Bangkok and Bust ~ No Travel Writer

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Bangkok and Bust

Cozy Bangkok Guesthouse was a few minutes walk from Hualampong train station where the Taxi had dropped me off and charged me five hundred Baht for the journey. I was hesitant to argue but had read that it should be three hundred. After a slightly lacklustre complaint I handed it over and jumped out. Walking into Cozy I was greeted by two golden retrievers, one old and charming and the other a bounding puppy. The broad smile from the owner was then just what I needed. The short walk had been an eye opener to the chaotic and tiring streets of Bangkok. Crossing only one road and dodging the line of scooters that thought the pavement was a bike lane had taken a lot out of me, especially after the long flight. All I could think about then was sleep and I soon found what I was looking for, a big comfortable bed in a quiet room with a huge ceiling fan. I curled up under the sheets only to wake two hours later sweating, I had forgotten to turn the fan on. It was midday by my watch and I thought I should stay up to try and avoid jet-lag. The midday heat was stifling and I was struggling to acclimatise from the cold November evening I had left the day before. If I didn't need money I would have stayed in Cozy all day watching the amazing films on Star Movies or HBO but I had to get some food and had used all my Baht on the room and the taxi. I soon found a cash machine, popped my card in and entered my PIN. I was shocked by the response I got “There has been a problem, please try again”. I entered it again 6-4-3-3 but with the same response, I got the same chill travel up my spine I had felt in my bedroom, I was now panicking. I tried two more cash machines further up the street but got the same response “There has been a problem, please try again”.  

Next: The Surprising Exhilaration Of Relief
Read From The Beginning


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