she was! The most beautiful girl I had ever seen was checking in. The
flow of her curly black hair and the glow of her tanned olive skin
made her look so radiant and gorgeous. The world appeared to stand
still for a moment as I took everything in, but snapped straight back
to life as she looked up at me. I hadn't realised how long I'd been
stood there but it was obviously too long, going by the quizzical
look I was getting from her friend. I put my head down and quickly
made for the door utterly embarrassed. I could feel my cheeks burning
all the way to the 'Crazy Buffalo' bar just around the corner and
continued to burn as I sat sipping my cold beer. Sitting there lost
in my own thoughts I knew I wanted to talk to this girl but didn't
have a clue how I would even start a conversation let alone continue